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Are you vaping? There are currently three generations of e cigarettes. Interested? Read more!

Electronic cigarettes statistics

Electronic cigarette (e-cigarettes or vapes) is an electronic system for consuming nicotine, e-liquid heated in cigarettes becomes vapor inhaled by the user.

Vapes, invented in 2003 in China, reached the US and European markets by 2006. In most countries, vapes have entered the market as consumer goods without government regulation. Initially, the producers of vapes were small businesses, but the tobacco manufacturers purchased and expanded their production. Vapes for sale are currently available both online and at regular retail outlets.

In this article, we will discuss electronic cigarettes, we will provide data on the devices themselves and their use, and also legal regulation.

According to Eurobarometer, the number of people who have tried e-cigarettes in European countries increased more than 7%. Based on data collected in Europe, vapes are more popular among young people and are said to have been tried at least once: 13% ages 15-24, 11% ages 25-39, 7% ages 40-54, 3% ages 55+. Compared to traditional smokers and non-smokers, vapers are younger, more educated and have a higher standard of living. It was also found that vapes were more common among boys than girls.

Most adults and almost all teens who regularly use vapes have smoked regular cigarettes. Most people do not use vapes every day. According to surveys taken in the US, 12-14% of adults who have tried a vape have become daily users.