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Tropiq (CA)

Tropiq (CA) | 7Vapes E-cigarettes

The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Baila 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Baila 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Pass through the boundless universe of flavors, masterfully crafted and mixed together peaches, oranges, lemons and limes. Sate your endless thrill to experience something new.

Buy Bora Bora 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Bora Bora 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Indulge yourself in rather delicate explosion of various blue berries with incredible detail to potent blackcurrant aftertaste.

Buy Jojo 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Jojo 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Set out on a rather bizarre adventure exploring the timeless combinations of sour yet sweet flavors from apples, limes, lemons and pears.

Buy Lulu 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Lulu 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Traverse the endless realm of taste filled with unique and exciting forest berries with especially strong emphasis on the vast red berry selection of flavors.

Buy Mau 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Mau 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Experience the wild and untamed sensations of the jungle peach, delicately combined with green tea and supplemented by mellow lemon sourness.

Buy Rio 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Rio 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Indulge yourself in a delicate matter of gourmet flavor exploration granted to you by the massive variety of citrus fruit blend, most notably – the royal pomegranate essence. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Neo 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Neo 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Embrace the unexpectedly satisfying clash of sour limes & lemons brawling against a divine-tasting bananas in your mouth. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Holo 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Holo 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Feel the thrilling sensation of luscious and invigorating orange accompanied by a sour kiwi with a touch of apple and pear. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Havaka 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Havaka 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Awaken your senses, energize them with ripe, humongous and delightfully sweet & sour blend of grapefruits. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Chillz 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Chillz 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Is the summer heat melting your face? Or do you miss the warm summer days? Let the nostalgic and refreshing flavor of watermelons and lemon sate that appetite. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.

Buy Blue Mambo 50 ml at Vape Shop – 7Vapes
  • Reduced price
€ 18.39 € 11.87

Blue Mambo 50 ml

€ 18.39 € 11.87

Get ready to party hard with Blue Mambo e-liquid cocktail saturated with delicious and revitalizing strawberries, raspberries and grapes. Tropiq - The most exquisite exotic fruits, both delightfully sweet and pleasantly sour.